Christmas was wonderful .....
Over the weekend, Eric and I went to Ohiopyle. We went camping, white water rafting, hiking, checked out falling waters, made s'mores and lots more. It was such a good time. By the way, he really liked the Merrells!
He said the sweetest things to me in an email, and about me in his blog. I am actually at a loss for words right now, b/c my mind is so overwhelmed with happy thoughts ... way more so than normal!
So here are some of my favorite things... I LOVE ketchup and he bought some when he went grocery shopping (that says and means a lot to me!), he thinks I am great, he is patient with me, he lets me help him, he helps me, he makes me laugh ... a lot! He takes me to work with him and likes showing me what he does and is interested in (maybe I can learn to play the guitar!) He likes my pillow (and mom, he didn't say anything about the way it smells! (for everyone else ... it smells like home!:), he thinks I am the most prepared camper ever!! There are just so many things, too many right now to list. Maybe once I get my thoughts in order I can make more sense of it.
He invited me to go to a wedding with him in his hometown! Check out the photos...
Lost in wonderful thoughts ;)

Most people who succeed in the face of seemingly impossible conditions are people who simply don't know how to quit.
~ Robert Schuller
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